Meeting documents

Regeneration & Housing Overview & Scrutiny Panel
Monday, 3rd September, 2012 2.00 pm

Agenda Item No




Agenda Item No: 10

3rd September 2012


To the Chair and Members of the

Regeneration and Environment Overview and Scrutiny Panel




Relevant Cabinet Member(s)

Wards Affected

Key Decision

The Mayor

Councillor B Hoyle

Councillor P Coddington

Councillor C Ransome






1.         This report provides an update on progress against the Panel’s work plan.




2.         Not exempt




3.         The Panel is asked to:


            i.          Comment on the revised work plan detailed in Appendix A.

            ii.         Note the Annex to Appendix A which details outcomes and impacts of the      Panel’s work.

            iii.        Receive an update on activities undertaken since the meeting held on             29th June 2012.

            v.         Note the correspondence between the Executive and the Regeneration          and Environment Overview and Scrutiny Panel in Appendix B and C.

            iv.        Note the Environmental Strategy working group notes from their           meeting on the 10th August 2012 and ratify the recommendations       made attached in Appendix D.

            vi.        Consider whether it would wish to establish a small sub group to          undertake a review on a suitable area selected in relation to Work and      Skills/Housing topic (regarding housing topic please refer to Paragraph    7).

            vii.       To note that the November meeting date has been changed to the 19th            November 2012 at 10am.





4.         The Panel agreed its 2012/13 work plan at its meeting on 15th June 2012. This report provides an update on key issues relating to the work programme following that meeting, this is attached at Appendix A. Members are reminded that the work plan is a live document to be regularly reviewed and updated. Annex 1 to Appendix A provides an ongoing summary of issues considered together with the impacts and outcomes resulting from the Panel’s work and this will also be updated on a regular basis.


Progress on the Regeneration and Environment Overview and Scrutiny Work Plan


Work and Skills


5.          At its meeting on the 15th June 2012, the Panel agreed that one of the key areas that will be included in the workplan is work and skills.  A Work and Skills report is on the agenda for today’s meeting and following consideration of the report, the Panel may decide whether or not it wishes to undertake some more detailed work around this area through the Panel or by forming a small working group. 


Housing Topic


6.          With the agreement of the Chair, a meeting took place between the Chair and Vice Chair of the Regeneration and Environment Overview and Scrutiny to discuss potential housing topics to be considered by the Panel.  Various topics were discussed and a decision was made by the Chair that the Panel should take forward as part of the workplan the following review looking at:-

              ‘How can we improve access to finance for developers to meet our housing target and to assist buyers to purchase their own homes within Doncaster?’ 

              Further scoping work will be undertaken in the near future and a small working group established.  


Gypsy and Travellers Review


7.         An extraordinary meeting of the Panel took place on the 29th June 2012 for the Panel to consider a report on the Gypsy and Travellers Review.  Correspondence is attached in Appendix B and C outlining the recommendations made by the Panel and the response provided by the Mayor.


Environmental Strategy Working Group


8.         As one of the areas identified to be included on the Panel’s workplan, the Panel formed a small working group to undertake appropriate policy development work for the Council’s Environmental Strategy and make recommendations to the Executive.  The following Members expressed their interest at being a part of this group which was agreed at a meeting of the Panel on the 15th June 2012.


·                    Councillor Richard Cooper-Holmes

·                    Councillor Nuala Fennelly

·                    Councillor Monty Cuthbert

·                    Councillor Yvonne Woodcock

·                    Paul Smillie

·                    Paul O'Brien


9.         A meeting of the working group took place on the 10th August 2013 at which Members met with Officers and reviewed the Themes and Priorities of the draft Environmental Strategy.


            A copy of the notes and recommendations made as a result of that meeting can be found in Appendix D. 


Change of Panel Meeting Date – November


10.       With the agreement of the Chair, the 29th November Panel meeting has now been changed to the 19th November at 10.00 am.  This is to enable the Environmental Strategy to be considered prior to it going to Cabinet.




11.       There are no specific options to consider within this report as it provides an opportunity for the Panel to receive an update on its 2012/13 work plan.




12.       This report provides the panel with an update on its 2012/13 work programme.




Priority Theme

Mayor’s Priorities for 2011/12

Implications of this initiative

1. Creating a strong, connected and inclusive economy

·   Drive forward the Doncaster economy

·   Get the balance of public and private transport right

·   Promote Doncaster as a tourist destination

·   Regenerate Doncaster's town centres 

The Overview and Scrutiny function has the potential to impact upon all of the council’s key objectives by holding decision makers to account, reviewing performance and developing policy through robust recommendations, monitoring performance of council and external partners services and reviewing issues outside the remit of the council that have an impact on the residents of the borough.

2. Developing stronger communities

·   Encourage community harmony and cohesion.  Treat people as individuals, not by reference to labels and artificial groupings

3. Increasing and improving housing    

·   Raise housing standards

4. Protecting and improving all our children’s lives

·   Continue to improve education and skills

·   Build on a strengthening Children's Service

5. Improving health and support for independent lives

·   Encourage attitudes of self-reliance, self-improvement and mutual respect within Doncaster communities

6. Tackling crime and anti-social behaviour

·   Reduce crime and all forms of anti-social behaviour

7. Creating a cleaner and better environment

·   Continue to protect the environment from developers, decay and architectural vandalism

8. Internal Transformation

·   Ensure local people get value for money from council services




13.    To maximise the effectiveness of the Overview and Scrutiny function it is important that the work plan devised is manageable and that it accurately reflects the broad range of issues within its remit.  Failure to achieve this can reduce the overall impact of the function.




14.    The Council’s Constitution states that subject to matters being referred to it by other part of the Full Council, OSMC or the Executive and any timetables laid down by those references the Regeneration & Environment Overview and Scrutiny Panel will determine its own work programme (Overview and Scrutiny Procedure Rule 6c).


15.    Overview and Scrutiny Panels Terms of Reference – 3, states that the Panel is empowered to establish ad hoc working groups from within its membership, to undertake project and policy development work, to meet the objectives and targets of its annual work plan.


16.    Overview and Scrutiny Procedure Rule 15 (a) states that where, in the opinion of the Chair of an Overview and Scrutiny Panel, the matters under discussion are relevant to matters referred to other Scrutiny Panel(s) he/she shall consider to what extent to invite the participation of the Chair and/or other Members of the other Panel in the deliberations.


17.    Specific legal implications and advice will be given with any reports when Overview and Scrutiny have received them as items for consideration.




18.    The budget for the support of the Overview and Scrutiny function 2012/13 is not affected by this report however, the delivery of the work plan will need to take place within agreed budgets.  There are no specific financial implications arising from the recommendations in this report.  Any financial implications relating to specific reports on the work plan will be included in those reports. 




19.      A work planning event was held on the 22nd May 2012 with Regeneration and Environment Overview and Scrutiny Members with a view to developing a draft work plan.




20.       None




Caroline Martin

Scrutiny Officer

01302 734941




Peter Dale

Director of Regeneration & Environment

.Regeneration and Environment Overview and Scrutiny Workplan 2012/2013



22nd May 2012, 3:30pm

15th June 2012,  10am

29th June 2012, 10am

3rd September 2012, 2pm

19th November 2012, 10:00am

22nd January 2012, 10:30am

18th March 2012, 10am

Policy Review/


SMC Options

Local Development Framework - Next Steps

Gypsy and Traveller Review

Work and Skills

Draft Environment Strategy







Tenure Strategy/Tenancy Policy














R&E Performance 2012/13 (Qtr 1)

St Leger Performance 2012/13

(Qtr 1)

R&E Performance 2012/13 (Qtr 2)

St Leger Performance 2012/13 (Qtr 2)


R&E Performance 2012/13 (Qtr 3)

St Leger Performance 2012/13

(Qtr 3)

Information Updates





Opportunity Centres (Response to R&E O&S Review 2011/2012) – to be agreed




(Holding to Account)


Cabinet Members Portfolio Updates: -


Peter Davies, Mayor of Doncaster


Cabinet Members Portfolio Updates:


Councillor C Ransome

Cabinet Members Portfolio Updates (TBA): - 


Councillor P Coddington

Councillor B Hoyle

Cabinet Members Portfolio Updates (TBA):


Peter Davies, Mayor of Doncaster


Cabinet Members Portfolio Updates: - 













R&E Workplan 2012/13


R&E Workplan 2012/13

R&E Workplan 2012/13

R&E Workplan 2012/13

R&E Workplan 2012/13

Regeneration & Environment Outcomes & Impacts 2012/13 (September Update)









22nd May 2012

SMC Options

Opportunity for the Panel to consider and comment on a range of options (including a preferred option) for the future management of the Keepmoat Stadium. 


The Panel supported the preferred option and made further recommendations including that: -


1.       The Athletics club are encouraged to consider being set up as a trust and in the event that this was to occur, that Elected Members are included as representatives on the board of that trust.

2.       That the Chief Executive of Doncaster Rovers attends meetings of the Regeneration & Environment Overview and Scrutiny  to present on a quarterly basis a progress report including relevant feedback and performance information.

To understand the options being taken forward and have the opportunity to comment on them and make recommendations.


Cabinet 1st August 2012


Quarterly updates from the Chief Executive of Doncaster Rovers to commence January 2013 subject to availability

Cabinet agreed the final proposals as outlined in the report.


The Chief Executive of Doncaster Rovers to attend meetings of the Panel to present on a quarterly basis a progress report including relevant feedback and performance information.




15th June 2012

Local Development Framework - Next Steps Opportunity for the panel to consider the proposed approach for consultation on the sites and policies development plan document/draft process for dealing with neighbourhood planning and the proposed prioritisation of support for those areas identified within the core strategy as being suitable for most growth and ongoing work to consider community infrastructure levy.

To understand the ongoing work and proposed consultation and approaches being taken forward in relation to the LDF.  To have the opportunity to comment on the report and its recommendation and make before a decision is made at Cabinet.


Decision taken at Cabinet 4th July 2012

The Panels supported the recommendations being put forward to Cabinet and made a number of comments which were incorporated into the report which included the proposed approach to consultation.  This included the need to ensure that communities in the renewal towns were consulted via parish /town councils (reflected in paragraph 21) and that it was important that members were aware of the potential housing and employment sites in their wards, in advance of the public consultation (officers will ensure this happens).  

Cabinet Members Portfolio Outline: Peter Davies, Mayor of Doncaster  Development; Transport; Equalities and Cohesion; the Council's Change Programme              

To understand priorities and review progress later in year. During the course of the year continue to measure aspects through Quarterly Performance reports.


January 2013 meeting and quarterly performance reports

To provide accountability for improvement and improve transparency.

29th June 2012,

Gypsy and Traveller Review

To comment and note on a report and  recommendations considered by Mayor and Cabinet on 4th July in relation to findings of the gypsy and traveller accommodation needs assessment and the strategy to meet those needs and the progress of the refurbishment scheme at the gibbons lane site and the extension scheme at land’s end.

To be informed about the Gypsy and Traveller Review.  To have the opportunity to comment on the report and its recommendations and make before a decision is made at Cabinet.


Decision taken at Cabinet 4th July 2012

Revised recommendations were made at Cabinet which took into account comments made by the R&E O&S Panel.


Agreed at Cabinet that recommendations, following consultation and the cost/benefit analysis to be brought back to Cabinet for a decision as soon as possible to enable compliance with the HCA’s timelines. 

3rd September 2012

Work and Skills





Performance 2012/13

(Qtr 1)





Cabinet Members Portfolio Outline:

Councillor C Ransome





Opportunity Centres (Response to R&E O&S Review)





19th November 2012

Draft Environment Strategy





Tenure Strategy





Performance 2012/13

(Qtr 2)





Cabinet Members Portfolio Outline (TBA):

Councillor P Coddington

Councillor B Hoyle





Councillor for Edenthorpe, Kirk Sandall & Barnby Dun


Home Tel: 01302 880242






29th June 2012


Peter Davies

Mayor of Doncaster

Floor 1

The Council House

College Road






Dear Peter


Gypsy & Traveller Review


At the Extraordinary Regeneration and Environment Overview and Scrutiny Panel Meeting held on the 29th June 2012, the Panel received a report which provided details of the unmet need of site provision for Gypsy and Travellers (G&T) within the Borough. It also considered options on how to address the unmet need across the Borough following the completion of an updated G&T needs assessment.


The Panel noted the contents of the report and following a lengthy debate voted to dismiss Options 1-3 and agreed that a proposal for a new Option (4) be put forward which is as follows: -


·                    Option 4: That Officers undertake further negotiation with the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA) to transfer all financial funding secured to the Land’s End Site and to sell the Gibbon’s Lane site as a private Gypsy and Traveller site.  Also, that the money received from the disposal of Gibbon’s Lane site should be ringfenced for works needed on the Lands End site such as the contamination of the land that has been identified.


The Panel received information that at Lands End, a new site had not been considered for 16 pitches as the land is contaminated but it was felt that this is a situation that could be addressed.  Opinions were also sought from representatives from the Gypsy and Traveller community (from ‘Give Us A Voice Project at the CVS) who although felt that there had not been enough time to consult with the communities involved, were of the opinion that Gibbons Lane would not be a preferred option.

Page 2. Continued


I would also like to take this opportunity to raise some of the Panel’s concerns that were raised at the meeting. 


These included: -


2012 South Yorkshire Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Needs Assessment


Concerns were raised about the robustness of the research and methodology that has been used for the calculations to form the evidence base for meeting the Gypsy and Traveller and Travelling Show people needs.  This was an opinion expressed by both Panel and Non-Panel Members, in addition to representatives from the Gypsy and Traveller community.  It was therefore recommended that: -


·                    the information included in the evidence needed to be revisited and further research carried out; and


·                    the methodology should be included as an Appendix A to the policy produced which would support the need for this process to be as open and transparent as possible.  It was felt that the addition to the policy as an appendix would show the previously calculated figure, the new revised figure and the methodology in order to demonstrate this is a robust calculation.


A number of questions were raised about the calculations behind the evidence and clarity was sought regarding the inclusion of temporary and unauthorised sites


Other concerns and comments included: -


·                    What consultation had been undertaken with the communities at the Gibbons Lane Site.  Members were informed that confirmation was required first that the grant would be awarded but consultation will commence over the next couple of weeks as part of the funding agreement with HCA.


·                    That it was essential that Doncaster MBC ensured that it met its statutory requirements.


On behalf of the Panel, I would like to thank Adam Goldsmith, Head of Service (Local Investment Planning), Tracey Harwood - Head of Service (Housing Options), Richard Purcell - Head of Development Management, Lee Tillman - Head of Strategy and Programmes for attending the meeting and presenting an update as well as responding to questions raised by Members. 


Page 2. Continued


I would also like to thank Dave Ridge - Area Manager (East Area Team) and Pat Hagan - Head of Service (Communities) for also attending the meeting.  I look forward to receiving a response from you no later than 4th August 2012 on the recommendations and comments outlined above. 


Kind regards,






Councillor A Revill

Chair – Regeneration and Environment Overview and Scrutiny Panel


cc.  Jo Miller, Chief Executive

      Chair/Vice Chair of O.S.M.C.


      Peter Dale, Director of Development  

      Gary Wells, Assistant Director Strategic Housing

      Adam Goldsmith Adam Goldsmith, Head of Service (Local Investment Planning

      Tracey Harwood - Head of Service (Housing Options)

      Lee Tillman - Head of Strategy and Programmes










14th August 2012



Councillor Tony Revill

Chair of Regeneration and Environment O&S Panel

Scrutiny Offices

2 Priory Place





Dear Tony


Gypsy and Traveller Review


Thank you for your letter dated 29th June 2012. 


The Local Investment Planning Team has contacted the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA) who has said that they will consider an alternative proposal to be put forward, but cannot agree this without detailed design proposals.  The HCA has also advised that any revised proposals must be compliant with ‘G&T site grant programme bidding guidance’, and CLG’s ‘Designing Gypsy and Traveller sites good practice guide’.


Technical Services have reviewed the design proposals for the Lands End site, and have provided two alternative designs, incorporating the request to extend the site design to a 10 plot and a 12 plot site respectively.  This will increase the proposed number of plots on the site by an additional 4 or 6.  However, this would still leave a shortfall of pitches (between 4 and 6) to the original 10 pitch design proposal for the Gibbons Lane site.


It is anticipated that if a request is made to the HCA to reduce the number of pitches within this programme, funding of £90,000 only per pitch will be offered to support the scheme.  As such, the grant allocation to Doncaster will reduce accordingly.


The current cost of the revised scheme at Lands End is summarised in the table below:


No of pitches

Cost per pitch

Total cost of scheme

Funding request from HCA

Shortfall to be met by the Council












The Local Investment Planning Team also requested an up to date open market valuation of the transit site at Gibbons Lane, Thorne.  Assets and Property Services conducted the valuation on 12th July 2012, and the current valuation of the 1.19 acre site is between £7,000-£8,000, assuming the site is clear.  The preferred disposal method of this site would be via auction.


The Council has recently been issued with the contract for the G&T Pitches from the HCA, who is keen for local authorities to contract with them for delivery, commencing as soon as possible.  Doncaster Council will not be in a position to do this until a decision has been made regarding the new proposals for the extension of pitches at Lands End.


A ground contamination survey has not previously been undertaken at the Lands End site, but was undertaken at the Little Lane site at Clay Lane for a previous scheme through CLG.  Early indications suggest there are no major contamination issues on the Lands End site.  However, a full ground investigation survey will be undertaken if proposals are progressed.


In May 2011 the Council had to put together an expression of interest as part of the HCA’s 2011-15 affordable housing programme to deliver G&T Pitches within the borough.  The expression of interest was submitted to very tight timescales.


The Lands End site scheme had previously been submitted as a bid to CLG in May 2010, but the bid was unsuccessful due to the funding programme being disbanded.  When the opportunity arose to re-bid for funding for G&T pitches, as part of the HCA programme, the site was quickly identified as ‘oven ready’ project.


Gibbons Lane was included in the expression of interest, as this site was a previous transit site which was empty, and provided an opportunity for re‑development.


During 2010/11, significant work was undertaken by the Local Investment Planning team regarding G&T pitch provision.  There was a proposal for the transit site at Gibbons Lane to be sold to a member of the G&T community, and for it to be developed into a permanent site.  This would provide approximately 10 new pitches.  Informal discussions with the G&T community at the time suggested that there was a willingness to purchase the site from the Council, with a view to developing the land into a privately owned site. 


I trust the above is helpful.


Yours sincerely






Peter Davies

Mayor of Doncaster

R&E O&S Informal Meeting

10th August 2012, 10:00 am – 12:00 pm at the Mansion House


Environmental Strategy Working Group




Members: Councillor Richard Cooper-Holmes, Nualla Fenelly and Monty Cuthbert


Officers: Steve Butler, Natural Environment Manager, Ian Kellett, Environment and Education Officer,  Richard Ward, Drainage Engineer, Caroline Martin, Scrutiny Consultant.


Notes of Meeting


There was a discussion on each of the Themes: -


Theme 1. Managing our environmental resources and services

Theme 2. Ensuring a quality environment

Theme 3. Valuing our environmental assets


The group was provided with an update on the Environmental Strategy since it was looked at during 2011/2012 including the revised scope and process that it will be taken through.


Theme 1. Managing our environmental resources and services


P1. Waste minimisation - Minimise the creation of waste in the borough and reduce the amount of waste that is created from going to landfill


The following comments were made: -


·                    There was a brief discussion about why there was no national policy when other local authorities are in a similar position with their Environmental Strategy.

·                    It was acknowledged that there had been discussions regarding PFI with Sheffield and that the Government are looking at a review of the national waste strategy, probably next year.

·                    In regards to green and black bins, it was questioned whether the size of the property should reflect the amount of bins each household had.  Another member of the group confirmed that it was about the size of the family.  It was questioned whether households could purchase additional bins.

·                    The group agreed that they were satisfied with this priority and therefore there are no recommendations to be put forward.


Action: Steve Butler to check whether households are able to purchase additional bins.


P2. Deliver more energy efficient housing - Improve the energy efficiency of social and private rented households and ensuring the efficiency of new developments


·                    A member of the group queried whether further stipulations regarding the use of renewable energy should be included within planning applications.  It was acknowledged that within the Local Development Framework Core Strategy there is a requirement for new housing to be built to Code for Sustainable Homes Level 3, and to generate 10% of it’s power from renewable energy.  It was expressed that to raise the level too high could discourage developers.

·                    It was noted that to meet the code there are a number of actions that you can take in order to be allocated points. 

·                    It was noted that the South Yorkshire Fire Service have achieved high environmental standards within their operations/buildings.




1.                  That the use of renewable energy could be further promoted through the planning system. 

2.                  That more positive wording within this section of the strategy could be considered which would encourage the use of more renewable energy.

3.                  That incentives should be provided to encourage the use of more renewable energy through the grants system, use of solar panels and ground source heat pumps.


P3. Effective flood mitigation - Promotion of flood mitigation and further developing local resident’s knowledge of flood risks in order to increase personal flood resilience


·                    The group agreed that they were satisfied with this priority and therefore there are no recommendations to be put forward.


Theme 2. Ensuring a quality environment


P4. Protect our air and water quality and address contaminated land issues - Effective monitoring of Air & Water Quality and sites with contaminated land, taking remedial action when required


The following comments were made for this priority: -


Air Quality:

·                    It was established that there are 5 air quality areas as a result of emissions from vehicles.

·                    There was a brief discussion about the following: -

o       Whether the development of FARRRS will improve air quality within certain areas.

o       Bus lanes/traffic lights

o       Transport fleets and the pros and cons of electric vehicles.

o       Eco Star System which is recognised locally and nationally.

o       Low emission/hydrogen vehicles

·                    The group agreed that they were satisfied with this priority and therefore there are no recommendations to be put forward.


Water Quality:

·                    There was a discussion about contaminated land and the fact that although the person causing the contamination is responsible for addressing the problem in the event that they can’t be found, the new owner will take on that responsibility.  In light of this ruling, lenders are reluctant to lend money as any defaults on mortgage payments mean that the provider will take on the responsibility in the event that the land becomes theirs.  It was raised that as a local authority this is an issue that should be addressed in the future.




4.                  That there needs to be further publicity and communication to address land contamination issues, in particular those caused by farmers and industry.

5.                  That further consideration should be given about the issue of ownership and responsibility to address land contamination and what it could mean to Doncaster MBC.


P5. Create a more attractive street-scene - Improve the look and attractiveness of the borough’s Street Scene to support inward investment and to create places that people can be really proud of.


The following recommendations were made:-


6.                  That there could to be further publicity undertaken to encourage members of the public to take responsibility and to promote good practice in order to create places that people can be proud of.

7.                  That further work is undertaken working with fast food outlets to ensure that they have an understanding about their legal responsibilities.

8.                  That there could be further discussions about the use of Dog Exclusion Zones.

9.                  That reference could be made within the document to S131 orders alongside a clear explanation of what they mean for residents and business within Doncaster.

10.             That the wording explaining the process of reporting others could emphasise the fact that reporting can be undertaken in confidence in order encourage members of the public to undertake more.


Theme 3. Valuing our environmental assets


P6. Protect and promote our historic environment  - Increase public understanding of the value of our environment by promoting their social, cultural and economic benefits, whilst protecting its intrinsic value


·                    There was a brief discussion about the availability of suitable car parking facilities within the town centre and the influence it has on visitors to the town centre in particular those who are attending the races.

·                    The group agreed that they were satisfied with this priority and therefore there are no recommendations to be put forward.


P7.  Protect and promote our natural environment 


·                    It was acknowledged that a Local Nature Partnership has been established which will help develop a more co-ordinated approach.

·                    There was a brief discussion about tree growth around houses and the effect of light within the house. Reference was made to the fact that there is no ‘right to light’ within legislation.

·                    Concerns were raised about the Borough’s trees stock and how sustainable it is.  It was suggested that perhaps we need to be more proactive as a local authority in maintaining sufficient stock.  A member of the group stated that it was his belief that when new trees are planted they should be species which are traditionally native to the Doncaster area.

·                    It was expressed that as a local authority we need to know what we have got and that there is a Green Space Audit that it is need of updating which is planned to be undertaken in the near future.

·                    It was commented that if trees are available or maintained by the council this could feed into an aspiration of housing a biomass boiler.




11.             That an inclusion could be made in the Strategy to tree planting within the Borough. 

12.             That future tree planting could be undertaken to reflect the natural environment, enable trees to grow to maturity without causing problems for local residents and also for more trees to be planted where this would reduce flooding.


P8.      Ensure access to high quality green spaces and the countryside - Effective management of our public parks and woodlands and improve access to our public right of way network


The following comments were made: -


·                    The group was informed that links are being established with Public Health (currently within the NHS) and the Health Protection Strategy (which will have inputs from strategic partnerships).

·                    There was a brief discussion about the following areas: -

o       residential areas and broken footpaths.

o       obstruction of footpaths e.g. parking on pavements.

o       parking within business areas.

·                    The group agreed that they were satisfied with this priority and therefore there are no recommendations to be put forward.


Next Steps


·                    Feedback to the Regeneration and Environment Overview and Scrutiny Panel to take place on the 3rd September 2012.


·                    Recommendations to be ratified by the Regeneration and Environment Overview and Scrutiny Panel to take place on the 3rd September 2012 and sent to the Executive.


·                    For the Panel to consider the final version of the Environmental Strategy at its meeting on the 19th November 2012.